Here are a few articles that might interest you. Just click on the article to read it.READ THIS FIRST! Click here.


New (inred)

- A wakeful state

- Back to the future for energy?

- A salute to women

- Field of dreams

- White hoods or masks; it's all the same tyranny

- Dudley do-Right goes off script

- Is the only way really up?

- Are we a nation of masochists?

- Sunshine and chili just aren't enough

- Death of a salesman...or a product?

- Deconstructing Joe Biden

- One from column A and one from column B

- Nostalgia is not the enemy of progress

- Revenge of the middle class

- The scourge of misinformation

- Do lies belie the truth?

- Propagandizing January 6th

- Gentrifying hypocrisy

- Defending yesterday

- Post mortems are not what they seem

- Welcome back prodigal son Democrats?

- Awake or Awoke?

- The myth of the independent voter

- Happy birthday, Jesus

- Bring back the Bunkers

- Abortion is not a right, but it could be a wrong

- Soft selling race

- It's all about life or death

- You cannot take our resolve

- A letter of Thinksgiving

- A thousand points of fright

- Management deficit at the Executive Branch

- Perverting creative destruction

- Persecuting the unvaccinated

- Republicans should embrace the Trump factor

- America needs a Mulligan

- One swallow does not a summer make

- Falling in line or falling in love

- The new American patriots

- Can't help lovin' that man of mine

- Panic-buying our way to oblivion

- New Mexico's leadership vacuum

- The new mattress economy

- Irreconcilable differences

- The soft bias of unasked questions

- A moratorium on stupid

- Being all we SAY you can be

- Our broken healthcare system - Part III

- Our broken healthcare system - Part II

- Our broken healthcare system - Part I

- The law and healthcare - We the patients

- Navigating our body politic

- Pushing greatness

- America's skepticism pandemic

- Holding a candle to climate change

- Taking refuge in subterfuge 

- Navigating the bewildering healthcare maze 

- Pandemic navel-gazing

- Probing our racial consciousness

- Has the world's policeman retired?

- The psychology of self destruction

- The four hypocrisies of the apocalypse

- When is a hearing not a hearing?

- In praise of Melania 

- Curiosity is not a crime

- Forces and farces of America

- The marijuana lament

- Can Republicans turn back the Blue tide in NM?

- The law of diminishing racial returns

- I am rooting for Joe

- Playing immigration footsie with Americans

- Coming out

- Waiting patiently for Amrmageddon

The gift of honesty

- The illegal immigration industry

- The limits on privacy and freedom of choice

- Fighting back is the only option

- SCOTUS and the lives of the unborn

- Acknowledging our privilege

- Controlling words

- The rise of 'respectable totalitarianism'

- The most oppressed group in America

- Who speaks for you?

- What to do with a fading dream

- Biden the great and powerful wizard

- The failure of American racial integration

- Answering the existential question

- To mask or not to mask

- The persona non grata-fication of Dr. Seuss

- Reverse immigration coming?

- The man or the movement?

- Unmasking Biden's malarkey

- Why I'm a Republican

- A box that shouldn't be checked

- The slope keeps getting slipperier

- The new racialization of America

- Traitor to the truth

- Accountability isn't a four letter word

- Winning over the youth voter

- Joe's mask-charade

- Joe's true colors

- Our new national separation anxiety

- 74 million tears and 74 million fears

- The last full day

- Enough demonization

- Dear Joe; I am a no-show

- Colorizing America

- Tools of the persuasion trade

- Erasing Donald Trump

- The final nail in democracy's coffin

- Some wars unite and some divide

- Thanks but no thanks

- If they can do it to him they can do it to you

- When 'larger than life' and life collide

- The purge has begun

- Washington's Reichstag moment

- Political triage to an ailing America

- Managing Liberal avoidance

- Social engineering and deconstructing America

- Stirring the political pot in Georgia and DC

- New Year's resolve 2021

- Fighting for the soul of America

- Getting past politics

- Refusing to go binary

- The Democrats are not the problem 

- Missing Dr. Charles Krauthammer

- It's time for some hard truths

- My bi-polarized America

- The next Covid shoe to drop

- Tough choices ahead for Conservatives

- Skillset or skinset?

- Under new management

- Fermenting the foment

- The storm clouds gather

- Unfriending in real time

- The real winners and losers of 2020

- The perils of ignoring historic parallels

- The way we were and are

- Translating Democratese

- The war between the fates

- Contrasts-in-chief

- In case of Biden break glass

- Biden magical mystery hypocrisy tour

- Love Boat or Ship of Fools

- Dewey defeats Truman...again

- It's not over until the fat lawyer sues

- Elevating mediocrity

- The cancel culture and social media

- Social media management of America

- Charting the Trump legacy

- America's political sands harden

- The two, four, eight plan

- Farewell to prosperity

- The hatred election of 2020

- The absolute tyranny of anger

- Ten reasons why Trump could lose the election

- Surviving another NPR self-love fest

- Hypocrites, whiners and ingrates

- Dissecting the Democrats Part II

- Dissecting the Democrats Part I

- Impeachment overload

- The Dem debates 2.0

- The Dem debates 1.0

- Courtship of the younger voter

- In search of the Liberal soul

- Biden's great adventure

 - New campaign slogans for the Dems

-  Down on your knees

- Welcome to the no affection zone

- The dangers of self-censorship

- Living as neighbors in the state of 'D'enial

- The Big Blue Bi-coastal vise closeth

- Don't just do something, stand there

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